Protecting Your Child’s Future In Child Pornography Cases
Did you know that if your 15-year-old daughter sent a nude photo of herself to her 17-year-old boyfriend via her mobile phone, she could be charged with distribution of child pornography in Texas? Did you know that her boyfriend could be charged with possession of child pornography, even if he did not look at the photo? This is called “sexting,” an increasingly common phenomenon that can have devastating consequences for minors. At The Herrmann Law firm, we believe one mistake should not ruin a child’s life. Therefore, we aggressively defend young people accused of sexting, online solicitation and related sex crimes. Our goal is to keep the charge from impacting your child’s future.
Providing The Strongest Defense Regarding Sexting Charges
Sexting involves sending or receiving a sexually explicit text message or photo via a cellphone. Even if your child consented to the sexting, he or she can end up in juvenile jail and be forced to register as a sex offender for the rest of his or her life. In addition to letting the public know about the sex offense, sex offender registration will impact your child’s ability to get a job, live in certain areas and travel freely.
An Aggressive Defense In Online Solicitation Cases
Online solicitation involves sending explicit messages to a minor through the internet. This can include chat rooms, social networking sites, email and instant messaging. Even if your child was just role playing or thought the person on the other end was of age and later found out they were minors, he or she can be charged with a sex crime.
Knowing How To Litigate Both State And Federal Cases
Most people understand the difference between a teen making a bad decision and flirting through technology and an adult possessing child pornography. However, Texas law often fails to separate the two. Because your child’s future is at stake, it is essential that you fight the charges. Our criminal defense attorney is a former felony prosecutor who uses his knowledge of the opposition to build strong cases for our clients. Further, he is board-certified in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He has extensive trial experience and a proven record of success. Let our firm help protect your child’s future. To schedule a free initial consultation, contact us online or call 806-553-1912. Our office is located downtown Amarillo. Our hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Evening and weekend appointments are scheduled upon request.